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NHS Evidence Project - PPSA

NHS Evidence Project

nhs evidence logoCardiac Device Procurement Project

A PPSA Project has been used on NHS Evidence as Example of Best Practice. QIPP Evidence provides users with practical case studies that address quality and productivity challenges in health and social care.  Case studies are put forward by their initiators, evaluated by NICE and examples chosen that represent best practise are then published.  The PPSA put forward their project on Cardiac Device Procurement and was honoured to have it chosen for publication.

Historically, the process for procuring cardiology products across the South West was fragmented, resulting in a wide range of prices for similar products.  It made sense therefore, to explore the possibilities of a collaborative approach across 12 interested NHS organisations in the region.
In February 2009 a partnership agreement was formalised between the Peninsula Purchasing and Supply Alliance (PPSA) and the Avon, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire & Somerset Cardiac and Stroke Network (AGWS).  This agreement provided Network funding to support collaborative procurement projects for an initial 2 year period.  In addition, the Network was able to bring credence to the work and the support of it’s stakeholders.

Clinical engagement was key to the success of this project.  By working directly with clinicians, clinical choice could be upheld.  Similar patterns of activity across a number of Trusts quickly emerged which were easily exploited for the benefit of all.

This collaborative approach also brought benefits in terms of forging relationships between local procurement groups and building pathways for future activity and, with a single approach to the market on behalf of numerous Trusts, the PPSA was able to free up administrative time for both clinical and procurement staff at a local level.

In 2008 the introduction of the Drug Eluting Stent contract achieved savings of £1,028,658.  The following year an additional £515,814 cash releasing saving was realised from contract management.  In 2009 Interventional Cardiology consumables contracting generated cash releasing savings across the South West of £695,990.  With over £2m saved the return on investment by the Network has far exceeded expectations.  [wpfilebase tag=file id=608 /]