Stoma Service News
The Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust has recently joined the PPSA Stoma Sponsorship Contract and has the biggest surgical team in the Peninsula, so it's great to have them on board. We have been able to deliver a good level of Cash Releasing Efficiency...
Congratulations Andrew
Congratulations to Andrew Stilliard from the Clinical Care team, who has recently been awarded the 'Experience Award' by the Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust, in recognition of his 40 years service in the NHS. All of Andrew's 40 years has been worked...
NHS Benchmarking Network
We are pleased to confirm that we have been successful in securing the procurement of consultancy services on behalf of the NHS Benchmarking Network. The Network is an internal NHS organisation that exists to identify and share good practice across the NHS and Social...
Arthroscopy Equipment & Consumables
On behalf of all Acute Member Trusts we have undertaken a tender process for Arthroscopy equipment and all associated consumable related products. The process will result in a multiple supplier contract with additional benefits for individual Trust commitment. A...
Review of Orthopaedic Elective Implant Activity
The PPSA, in collaboration with the Orthopaedic Directorate and the local procurement team at the Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust along with the incumbent supplier, have undertaken a review of the Orthopaedic Elective Implant activity, the objective...
Radiology & Endoscopy
We have recently completed the latest annual review of Radiology and Endoscopy and have identified further savings opportunities which will be investigated and realised over the coming few months.
eSourcing 1 Year Extension
From the 1st October 2014 we will be extending the contract for the eSourcing system, TACTICA, for a further 12 months. TACTICA is supplied through Advanced Business Solutions (ABS). The current contract, which commenced in 2009, has attracted a large number of NHS...
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy Agreement
A new agreement for Cornwall Trusts has delivered substantial reductions across this spend category giving at least £40,000 of cash releasing savings for the county as a whole. This was achieved by all Trusts working together with the PPSA to a common standard of...
Enteral Feeds Tender
This new tender, just launched, covers Dorset & Somerset and is expected to provide positive benefits to all included NHS bodies for up to 7 years. Extensive work will be undertaken by the stakeholder group to redesign the contract specification which will be...
New Continence Contract
The newly launched contract covering Dorset, Somerset , Devon & Cornwall has been successfully implemented with most areas making good savings from the wider contract coverage. The PPSA standard 'once only' approach is saving the NHS both time and money in...
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