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NHS South West Leadership Recognition Awards 2015 - Finalists - PPSA

NHS South West Leadership Recognition Awards 2015 – Finalists

2015 Award Finalists

It is with great pride that we can tell you that the Pharmacy Category Management team were named as finalists in the NHS South West Leadership Recognition Awards 2015 in the NHS Outstanding Collaborative Leadership of the Year category.

The PPSA Pharmacy Category Management team was formed in 2002 and is a well established part of the PPSA providing collaborative procurement leadership and expertise to organisations across the South West of England.

The team work collaboratively with pharmacy staff and other stakeholders primarily across 8 Acute Trusts (but up to 14 on some projects) as well as their respective CCGs. The team currently influence an annual contract value of £93million and have delivered efficiencies over the last 5 years in excess of £9.5million.

The award related specifically to the Unlicensed Medicines contract and a Supplier on the contract provided the following statement – “What the PPSA do really well is communicate effectively. As a supplier we know exactly what is required from us and they have a collaborative culture which is evident in the way that the members consistently share knowledge and best practice.”

The Team’s response to being finalists: We are delighted the team’s hard work has been recognised, especially for the successful and innovative Unlicensed Imported Medicines contract where true collaboration has delivered standardisation, enhanced patient safety and financial savings.