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Fiona Malloch MCIPS - PPSA
Fiona Malloch MCIPS

Fiona Malloch MCIPS

Category Manager

Fiona Malloch is a Category Manager and her role involves leading tenders and managing contracts.

Fiona’s portfolio includes:

Cytotoxics & CIVAS Drugs
E-sourcing (CTM)
Medical Gas Cylinders
Pharmacy Specials & Unlicensed Medicines
Pharmacy Technical Services

Fiona joined the PPSA in September 2013 and brought with her over 14 years procurement experience across different disciplines within both the public and private sectors. Her experience includes 9 years working as a Category Buyer for the Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust (medical and non-medical), first tier automotive procurement for Hella UK and as a Buyer for the national retailer Fired Earth. Fiona is a fully qualified member of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS).